Membership Benefits

Why Belong to USHA?


One of the major benefits of being a USHA member is educational opportunities. Both to enhance professional growth and maintain the necessary continuing education required for State Licensure and ASHA CEU’s. Each year there is a Spring Conference highlighting topics of interest to the profession. USHA also makes its members aware of continuing education opportunities around the state that occur throughout the year.

Professional Standard

USHA is your local link to keep a professional standard, participate in issues that affect your community, and maintain quality of service.


USHA represents speech-language pathologists and audiologists to increase awareness of the profession and provide input regarding current legislative action affecting the field. USHA works with lobbyists who address issues affecting our professions with the State of Utah. Membership dues help support these efforts.


USHA members benefit from networking, mentoring, and leadership responsibilities.

Esprit d’ Corps

Grow in your profession! Be stimulated by new ideas and share your own professional successes and challenges.


Network with other professionals in the association to information of what other settings are currently doing around the state and increase career satisfaction.

Honors and Awards

USHA recognizes outstanding achievements by individuals inside and outside of the organization.

How is USHA organized?

USHA is made up of regular, associate, student, and life members. Most of the membership are regular members. From this membership, the governing board and six standing committees are formed.

The governing board is composed of elected officials and includes the President, First President-Elect, and Past President. Each Spring Conference a new First President-Elect is elected. This individual will be the First President-Elect that year, and the next year the sitting President. The Secretary and Treasurer are appointed by the President.

The committees in USHA are composed of appointed members who volunteer to work in a particular function for the organization. Each standing committee has an appointed Chair and may also have committee members. The committees are organized under the various elected presidents and include the following:

  • ASHA Advisory Council
  • Legislative Matters
  • Membership and Recruitment
  • Nominations
  • Professional Development
  • Public Relations